Tänkte att man kunde göra ett forum om uppföljare till Batman Begins.
Vad vet vi, att 2008 ska vara realse datum på bio,att Christian Bale kommer att spela Batman, att Sir Michael Caine kommer att spela Alfred och slutligen att Jokern kommer att vara skurken i filmen.
Man får hoppas på att de andra skådespelarna återkommer till sina kära roller.
Jag har själv hört rykten om att Cillian Murphy(the scarecrow) ska vara med i uppföljaren, vet inte hur dom då har tänkt sig, kanske att han blir ännu mer galen efter att Rachel(Katie Holmes) skjuter honnom med sin elpistol. Och han förvandlas till Jokern.
PS:När ni har hört rykten eller vet nåt om den nya batman filmen, så är det bara att skriva det.
Lite info och rykten om Jokerns utseende (från [url=http://joblo.com/a-scarred-joker:5u2w3l3w]Joblo[/url:5u2w3l3w]):
[quote:5u2w3l3w]The people over at BOF picked up this from a “reliable source”:
* The Joker will have gray skin with scarring.
* The Joker's costume will be raggedy (This may confirm the info BOF got a long while ago saying that his costume will look as if it was something he put together one piece at a time).
* He's going to look damn scary, not clownish.
The same source later updated the site saying this isn’t a description of the final design, but is “indicative of where they’re going.”[/quote:5u2w3l3w]
På Wikipedia har de en bild på Jokerns nya look i serierna:
Grey skin with scarring? Jepp!
Hoppas att hans utseende i filmen blir något i den stilen, det skulle definitivt vara skrämmande iaf.
[quote:5u2w3l3w]The people over at BOF picked up this from a “reliable source”:
* The Joker will have gray skin with scarring.
* The Joker's costume will be raggedy (This may confirm the info BOF got a long while ago saying that his costume will look as if it was something he put together one piece at a time).
* He's going to look damn scary, not clownish.
The same source later updated the site saying this isn’t a description of the final design, but is “indicative of where they’re going.”[/quote:5u2w3l3w]
På Wikipedia har de en bild på Jokerns nya look i serierna:
Grey skin with scarring? Jepp!
Hoppas att hans utseende i filmen blir något i den stilen, det skulle definitivt vara skrämmande iaf.
Hoppas bara man slipper Grinch-looken och getstubben på hakan. Kan ju hända att de kör med svart hår, även om jag hoppas på en bättre lösning.
Om de skulle använda det utseendet så blir det härliga tre dagar i sminket för Ledger ... Lite som vad Ron Perlman fick stå ut med när han gjorde Hellboy ...
Ser riktigt bra ut och, som Richie nämner, ser Jokern skrämmande ut.
så ska det se ut, ja! och så lite alex de large-psykopatiskt beteende också!
Lite fler [url=http://www.batman-on-film.com/batmovienews.html:pbxwg2e3]Joker[/url:pbxwg2e3]-rykten. På gott och ont. Måste säga att jag börjar bli något skeptisk.
[quote:pbxwg2e3]My son and I just returned from our second visit to the post office set this week and were fortunate enough to see Chris Nolan and Heath Ledger.
We got there in time for - what appeared to be - a bank robbery scene. There were a few clown-masked goons with pistols and machine guns, some gunfire, and screaming from the bank 'staff' and 'customers.' The next scene was a clown-masked character holding a pistol on a group of people. After the scene - or maybe it's part of it(?) - he takes off his mask and I'm 99% sure it was Ledger and definitely WITHOUT Joker makeup. Nolan was visible through the window sporting a long black coat and appeared to be moving very quickly. Couldn't get off any pics as they had some pretty strong lights pointing in our direction, probably just for that reason. [/quote:pbxwg2e3]
[quote:pbxwg2e3]More on The Joker's (possible) look for TDK. A good friend -- who is also one of those "industry insiders" -- told BOF today that the earlier report on The Joker's look sounds "...about right. I know they want to do something different. I've also heard that The Joker from THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS could have a big influence on how he [TDK's Joker] ends up looking.[/quote:pbxwg2e3]
Kanske något sånt här:
[quote:pbxwg2e3]Ledger's clown mask looked -- at least from a distance -- more like a 'skull' than that of a clown. However, it did seem to have a tiny tuft of hair at the top and the mouth may have been a smile. Regardless, it didn't seem in any way to appear 'cartoony.'
As to his wardrobe, he appeared to be wearing what could be described as a dark workman's jacket and work pants. Nothing at all flashy.[/quote:pbxwg2e3]
The Dark Knight Returns-looken... nja, jag vet inte. Miami Vice... I och för sig kom seriealbumet ut på 80-talet. Men nu vet jag väl inte om utseendet fungerar.
[quote:pbxwg2e3]My son and I just returned from our second visit to the post office set this week and were fortunate enough to see Chris Nolan and Heath Ledger.
We got there in time for - what appeared to be - a bank robbery scene. There were a few clown-masked goons with pistols and machine guns, some gunfire, and screaming from the bank 'staff' and 'customers.' The next scene was a clown-masked character holding a pistol on a group of people. After the scene - or maybe it's part of it(?) - he takes off his mask and I'm 99% sure it was Ledger and definitely WITHOUT Joker makeup. Nolan was visible through the window sporting a long black coat and appeared to be moving very quickly. Couldn't get off any pics as they had some pretty strong lights pointing in our direction, probably just for that reason. [/quote:pbxwg2e3]
[quote:pbxwg2e3]More on The Joker's (possible) look for TDK. A good friend -- who is also one of those "industry insiders" -- told BOF today that the earlier report on The Joker's look sounds "...about right. I know they want to do something different. I've also heard that The Joker from THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS could have a big influence on how he [TDK's Joker] ends up looking.[/quote:pbxwg2e3]
Kanske något sånt här:
[quote:pbxwg2e3]Ledger's clown mask looked -- at least from a distance -- more like a 'skull' than that of a clown. However, it did seem to have a tiny tuft of hair at the top and the mouth may have been a smile. Regardless, it didn't seem in any way to appear 'cartoony.'
As to his wardrobe, he appeared to be wearing what could be described as a dark workman's jacket and work pants. Nothing at all flashy.[/quote:pbxwg2e3]
The Dark Knight Returns-looken... nja, jag vet inte. Miami Vice... I och för sig kom seriealbumet ut på 80-talet. Men nu vet jag väl inte om utseendet fungerar.
(inlägget har redigerats)
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[quote="Richie":35yp1z22]Lite info och rykten om Jokerns utseende (från [url=http://joblo.com/a-scarred-joker:35yp1z22]Joblo[/url:35yp1z22]):
[quote:35yp1z22]The people over at BOF picked up this from a “reliable source”:
* The Joker will have gray skin with scarring.
* The Joker's costume will be raggedy (This may confirm the info BOF got a long while ago saying that his costume will look as if it was something he put together one piece at a time).
* He's going to look damn scary, not clownish.
The same source later updated the site saying this isn’t a description of the final design, but is “indicative of where they’re going.”[/quote:35yp1z22]
På Wikipedia har de en bild på Jokerns nya look i serierna:
Grey skin with scarring? Jepp!
Hoppas att hans utseende i filmen blir något i den stilen, det skulle definitivt vara skrämmande iaf.[/quote:35yp1z22] tycker att jokern ser förjävlig ut på den där bilden hoppas dom kör på den gamla jokern som va i tidningarna på 80 talet
[quote:35yp1z22]The people over at BOF picked up this from a “reliable source”:
* The Joker will have gray skin with scarring.
* The Joker's costume will be raggedy (This may confirm the info BOF got a long while ago saying that his costume will look as if it was something he put together one piece at a time).
* He's going to look damn scary, not clownish.
The same source later updated the site saying this isn’t a description of the final design, but is “indicative of where they’re going.”[/quote:35yp1z22]
På Wikipedia har de en bild på Jokerns nya look i serierna:
Grey skin with scarring? Jepp!
Hoppas att hans utseende i filmen blir något i den stilen, det skulle definitivt vara skrämmande iaf.[/quote:35yp1z22] tycker att jokern ser förjävlig ut på den där bilden hoppas dom kör på den gamla jokern som va i tidningarna på 80 talet
Ser verkligen fram emot den här filmen.
Den förra filmen var ju görbra!
Den förra filmen var ju görbra!
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Hoppas den blir minst lika skrämmande som fågelskrämman i ettan.
(inlägget har redigerats)
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Såg nyss på en länk den första bilden på jokern. nåväl länkar dit nu:
(inlägget har redigerats)
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Jokern ser så läskig ut jag tror att filmen kommer bli från 15 och då förlorar filmen money så jag tror inte att Jokern kommer bli sååå läskig.
Man kan påtagligt skymta det gröna håret. Plus att han verkar ha en trench coat eller någon annan form av rock, precis som i Batman: Arkham Asylum.
Så långt, så bra.
Men hans hud verkar inte direkt vara grå, enligt tidigare utsago. Snarare vanlig hudfärg. Men det är meningslöst att försöka bedöma så pass suddiga foton.
Så långt, så bra.
Men hans hud verkar inte direkt vara grå, enligt tidigare utsago. Snarare vanlig hudfärg. Men det är meningslöst att försöka bedöma så pass suddiga foton.
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Ja, synd att man inte kan se mer. Men av cet man ser, ser det ju bra ut (:
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Med lite mer smink så blir det nog riktigt bra. Jag har fullt förtroende för Nolan...
Ser ganska billigt ut. Men det där fotot visade nog ingen färdig Joker å andra sidan.
rätt dålig bild, man ser inte ordentligt.
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Det enda jag lyckas urskilja är en grön nyans i håret...
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Samma här. Men det blir säkert bra. Eller det MÅSTE bli bra.