6342 inlägg
Man damn vad den var förnedrande typ... Haha.
Lite , men jag måste bara säga att han som sa det kommer från Nyköping (står det på bilden iaf) och det är ju därifrån jag är
6342 inlägg
Jag har fått tag på en del småroliga bilder som jag ska lägga upp med jämna mellanrum...
Shit hon borde väl vara orolig att hon själv röker. Snacka om IQ fiskmås
(inlägget har redigerats)
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[quote="hempo22":1brh2i6q]vet inte om ni sett den förr, men tobbe88 skickade den här till mig igår och... hehe, det är alltid lika kul att skoja om george lucas
EDIT: [url=http://youtube.com/watch?v=YeYgju2qopM:1brh2i6q]Om George Lucas hade restaurerat "Singin' in the Rain"[/url:1brh2i6q][/quote:1brh2i6q]
Där gapskrattade jag, jag kan föreställa mig det där.
EDIT: [url=http://youtube.com/watch?v=YeYgju2qopM:1brh2i6q]Om George Lucas hade restaurerat "Singin' in the Rain"[/url:1brh2i6q][/quote:1brh2i6q]
Där gapskrattade jag, jag kan föreställa mig det där.
6342 inlägg
(inlägget har redigerats)
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Hahaha första bilden var rolig
Katter är alltid roliga!
6342 inlägg
[url=http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/9606/namnlsffffqp5.png:5babyb4y]LÄS TEXTEN FÖRST, SE BILDEN SEN![/url:5babyb4y]
Well, of course they're scissors! If you know someone with small
children or you are a teacher....you will love this! Do you have a pair
like these?
I can certainly imagine seeing this one proudly displayed on the
mother's fridge at home...
Oh, the innocence of children!
Well, of course they're scissors! If you know someone with small
children or you are a teacher....you will love this! Do you have a pair
like these?
I can certainly imagine seeing this one proudly displayed on the
mother's fridge at home...
Oh, the innocence of children!
(inlägget har redigerats)
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Var fan hittar du allt, egentligen?
Var fan hittar du allt, egentligen?
6342 inlägg
Jadu, har en viss källa. :)
Det har kommit en ny, samma sak här, LÄS TEXTEN FÖRST, SE BILDEN SEN!
Family on holiday in Australia for a week and a half when husband,
wife and their 15 year old son decided to go scuba diving. The husband is in the navy and has had some scuba experience.
His son wanted a pic of his mum and dad in all their gear so got the underwater camera on the go. When it came to taking the pic the dad realized that the son look like he was panicking as he took it and gave the "OK" hand sign to see if he was alright.
The son took the pic and swam to the surface and back to the boat as quick as he could so the mum and dad followed to see if he was OK. When they got back to him he was scrambling onto the boat and absolutely crapping himself.
When the parents asked why he said "there was a shark behind you" and the dad thought he was joking but the skipper of the boat said it was true and that they wouldn't believe him if he told them what it was.
As soon as they got back to the hotel they put the pic onto the laptop [url=http://img57.imageshack.us/img57/5052/2323232rr7.png:11nj5866]AND THIS IS WHAT THEY SAW.[/url:11nj5866]
Det har kommit en ny, samma sak här, LÄS TEXTEN FÖRST, SE BILDEN SEN!
Family on holiday in Australia for a week and a half when husband,
wife and their 15 year old son decided to go scuba diving. The husband is in the navy and has had some scuba experience.
His son wanted a pic of his mum and dad in all their gear so got the underwater camera on the go. When it came to taking the pic the dad realized that the son look like he was panicking as he took it and gave the "OK" hand sign to see if he was alright.
The son took the pic and swam to the surface and back to the boat as quick as he could so the mum and dad followed to see if he was OK. When they got back to him he was scrambling onto the boat and absolutely crapping himself.
When the parents asked why he said "there was a shark behind you" and the dad thought he was joking but the skipper of the boat said it was true and that they wouldn't believe him if he told them what it was.
As soon as they got back to the hotel they put the pic onto the laptop [url=http://img57.imageshack.us/img57/5052/2323232rr7.png:11nj5866]AND THIS IS WHAT THEY SAW.[/url:11nj5866]
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ROLIG!? Skiter fan på mig bara att läsa om det.
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tyckte inte var jätte roligt jag skulle fan också skitit på mig om det var en jävla stor haj bakom mig
(inlägget har redigerats)
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[quote="FiLmGaLeN":2ngpdd2q]Jadu, har en viss källa.
Det har kommit en ny, samma sak här, LÄS TEXTEN FÖRST, SE BILDEN SEN!
Family on holiday in Australia for a week and a half when husband,
wife and their 15 year old son decided to go scuba diving. The husband is in the navy and has had some scuba experience.
His son wanted a pic of his mum and dad in all their gear so got the underwater camera on the go. When it came to taking the pic the dad realized that the son look like he was panicking as he took it and gave the "OK" hand sign to see if he was alright.
The son took the pic and swam to the surface and back to the boat as quick as he could so the mum and dad followed to see if he was OK. When they got back to him he was scrambling onto the boat and absolutely crapping himself.
When the parents asked why he said "there was a shark behind you" and the dad thought he was joking but the skipper of the boat said it was true and that they wouldn't believe him if he told them what it was.
As soon as they got back to the hotel they put the pic onto the laptop [url=http://img57.imageshack.us/img57/5052/2323232rr7.png:2ngpdd2q]AND THIS IS WHAT THEY SAW.[/url:2ngpdd2q][/quote:2ngpdd2q]
den bilden är såååå fejk...man har ju definitivt satt dit hajen, vet detta eftersom jag har sett en bild med bara den hajen..
tänkte även lägga upp en lite kul seriestrip...
Det har kommit en ny, samma sak här, LÄS TEXTEN FÖRST, SE BILDEN SEN!
Family on holiday in Australia for a week and a half when husband,
wife and their 15 year old son decided to go scuba diving. The husband is in the navy and has had some scuba experience.
His son wanted a pic of his mum and dad in all their gear so got the underwater camera on the go. When it came to taking the pic the dad realized that the son look like he was panicking as he took it and gave the "OK" hand sign to see if he was alright.
The son took the pic and swam to the surface and back to the boat as quick as he could so the mum and dad followed to see if he was OK. When they got back to him he was scrambling onto the boat and absolutely crapping himself.
When the parents asked why he said "there was a shark behind you" and the dad thought he was joking but the skipper of the boat said it was true and that they wouldn't believe him if he told them what it was.
As soon as they got back to the hotel they put the pic onto the laptop [url=http://img57.imageshack.us/img57/5052/2323232rr7.png:2ngpdd2q]AND THIS IS WHAT THEY SAW.[/url:2ngpdd2q][/quote:2ngpdd2q]
den bilden är såååå fejk...man har ju definitivt satt dit hajen, vet detta eftersom jag har sett en bild med bara den hajen..
tänkte även lägga upp en lite kul seriestrip...
6342 inlägg
[quote="Tyler":1g9scfv0]ROLIG!? Skiter fan på mig bara att läsa om det.
Inte direkt menat som en kul grej, blev skraj själv också. Visste bara inte vart den skulle passat in riktigt...
Inte direkt menat som en kul grej, blev skraj själv också. Visste bara inte vart den skulle passat in riktigt...
Hittade den här på ett annat forum, lite rolig.
6342 inlägg
Vet inte om detta ses som roligt eller ej, men men...
(inlägget har redigerats)
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Fy fan alltså, FiLmGaLeN.
Lägg en varning nästa gång, som om inte löklukten här hemma gör mig illamående nog (Löklukten beror på förberedelser inför firandet av Chiles nationaldag, vilket jag inte bryr mig så värst mycket om, eftersom jag är för det mesta uppväxt här)
Hittade den här nyss:
Samtidigt som alla Hollywoodstjärnor blir alltmer smalare, så lanseras en uppdaterat version av Barbie. (VARNING! Smal humor)[/url:23wvz0k3]
Lägg en varning nästa gång, som om inte löklukten här hemma gör mig illamående nog (Löklukten beror på förberedelser inför firandet av Chiles nationaldag, vilket jag inte bryr mig så värst mycket om, eftersom jag är för det mesta uppväxt här)
Hittade den här nyss:
Samtidigt som alla Hollywoodstjärnor blir alltmer smalare, så lanseras en uppdaterat version av Barbie. (VARNING! Smal humor)[/url:23wvz0k3]