Intevju med Tim Roth och Louis Leterrier. ... ehulk.html
I filmen är Blonsky en f.d. KGB-agent. Nice. ... ehulk.html
I filmen är Blonsky en f.d. KGB-agent. Nice.
Lång beskrivning av [url=]klippen[/url:3ki8smlp] från Comic-Con.
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Nice med jag fatta inte sa han att man bara får se hulken på slutet eller att man ser hulk 3/4 del av filmen!
nice beskrivning du länkade kenneth tack ser ut som at vi ska se banner transorfmera till hulken i denna ny trailer
nice beskrivning du länkade kenneth tack ser ut som at vi ska se banner transorfmera till hulken i denna ny trailer
[quote="Kenneth":358zppk4]Lång beskrivning av [url=]klippen[/url:358zppk4] från Comic-Con.[/quote:358zppk4]Det låter häftigt, kan inte vänta att faktiskt ser den.
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alltså de dära bilderna om hulken som kenneth bifoga om empire tidningen asså hulkens ben se för långa ut + hans händer för korta
shervin: Om du hade snackat om 2003 års jätte, bokstavligt talat, hade jag förstått din poäng. Notera att han böjer på knäna.
Oj, jag hade nästan glömt bort att Hulken såg så där dum ut i Ang Lees film. Hulken som man kan se i den där bilden tillsammans med Tim Roth ser så mycket bättre ut. Jag diggar helt klart karaktärsdesignen mer iaf.
3462 inlägg
Jag gillade definitivt inte Ang Lees Hulk. Den var för stor och såg för töntig ut, men desto bättre var historien och framför allt hans maffiga kilometerhopp som många andra hade problem med.
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nej jag säger inte att han är lång osv jag säger hans kropp ser kort ut jämfört med hans ben inte att han är lång!
Hulken kommer hoppa i den här filmen, men inte så att Jorden har mindre gravitation än Månen. Leterrier tyckte att förra Hulken inte hade någon vikt i de scenerna och hans hopp kommer vara lite rimligare i nya filmen. Kan bara välkomna detta beslut.
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Ja fan rätt! Han kunde ju hoppa flera kilometer vilket jag tyckte var ganska löjligt.
Ok, jag köper att han emellanåt såg lite "svävande" ut när han hoppade i förra filmen. Men herregud. En av Hulks krafter är ju att han kan hoppa just extremt långt.
[quote:2d8x333z]His powerful legs allow him to leap into lower Earth orbit or across continents.[/quote:2d8x333z] [url=]Wikipedia[/url:2d8x333z]
Jag håller med om att han nu i jämförelse med den nya versionen, inte såg fullt så bra ut i förra filmen. Men filmen som sådan tycker jag var riktigt bra. Jag hoppas att den här kan leva upp till samma standard som Ang Lee satte på innehållet. Så det inte bara blir en visuell film, utan att den även har djup och innehåll. För med tanke på hur snyggt man kan göra en film baserad på en serietidning, så satte Lee ribban högt även där i sin version.
[quote:2d8x333z]His powerful legs allow him to leap into lower Earth orbit or across continents.[/quote:2d8x333z] [url=]Wikipedia[/url:2d8x333z]
Jag håller med om att han nu i jämförelse med den nya versionen, inte såg fullt så bra ut i förra filmen. Men filmen som sådan tycker jag var riktigt bra. Jag hoppas att den här kan leva upp till samma standard som Ang Lee satte på innehållet. Så det inte bara blir en visuell film, utan att den även har djup och innehåll. För med tanke på hur snyggt man kan göra en film baserad på en serietidning, så satte Lee ribban högt även där i sin version.
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en interview på ign snart kommer nya trailer enligt ign om några dagar ... 42008.html
här står det om denna trailer som ska komma!
First off came a clip featuring Roth's military-man character, where William Hurt's General "Thunderbolt" Ross enables Blonsky's desire to take on Hulk-like power and become the behemoth known as The Abomination. This is achieved through a series of painful injections involving a sort of super-soldier serum. After the clip screened, the talent present did not deny the similarities to Captain America's origin story, with Leterrier even commenting (joking?) that the formula is the same color as Cap's.
Roth explained that he took the project quite seriously but was also aware that a role like this means that you're going to wind up on "a lunch box." He asked his kids if they could live with that, but after running it past them they told their dad to do it and that it was cool. The actor would even run scenes past his kids to see "if they were cool" enough.
Roth didn't know The Abomination before taking on the film, but he was familiar with the Hulk comics. He says that he finds these two to be fascinating characters, and of course he "went and looked at the comic books" while preparing for the role, and always had them to refer back to. The "comic book" kind of dialogue, he says, is hard to master on film: "It's not Brando or something; [it] has a certain flavor to it."
In setting up the next clip screened, Feige explained that they needed a "big-ass fight in this film"; hence the decision to go with Abomination as villain was a no-brainer. Also, the idea was to portray the Hulk as a hero in this movie, and in fact the character becomes something of an underdog because of his size difference when compared to his foe… That's something we'll soon see on the billboard ads, the producer promises.
Leterrier added that we can expect "many and long fights" in the film, and that looking through the Hulk's history made it clear that he needed to battle two things this time out: the Army and The Abomination.
That much was obvious in the next clip, which was new footage of Edward Norton being pursued by the military and transforming into the Hulk in full daylight. Though some of the effects in the sequence are still unfinished, it was evident that the movie has truly nailed the look of the Hulk and his abilities. He battles with the Army personnel, smashing armored vehicles to pieces, running directly into machine-gun fire, and finally fighting with a very human Blonsky. This clip would appear to be from early in the film, because Blonsky has not yet transformed into his monstrous self. But still, as a tiny human being next to the Hulk he nevertheless fights it out with him, tempting the beast -- who is wielding a piece of shredded tank in each hand -- with the line, "Is that all you got?" Apparently it isn't, because the kick-ass clip then ends with the Hulk booting Roth's character right in the chest before cutting to black.
After the house lights came back on and the clip was over, Hurd said to the crowd, "You told us 'Hulk smash,' you get Hulk smash."
The filmmakers explained that often with these kinds of films, key images are taken from the comics to inspire the director, though usually you don't have the time or money to get to actually put them all on film. This time, though, all of Leterrier's dream shots are in the movie.
Any talk of an Edward Norton controversy was quickly silenced as Hurd explained that the actor is still toiling away on the film and Leterrier said that he and Norton worked closely together on the screenplay and while shooting.
An audience member asked if we'll ever see an Avengers movie, to which Feige responded with a generic "it depends on how these films do" answer. Still, the producer said he definitely wants such a film to happen if at all possible.
The panel closed up with a screening of the movie's globetrotting, destruction-filled trailer, which will play with Iron Man when it opens in a couple of weeks, and that was followed with the aforementioned Tony Stark cameo clip. Sure sounds like the early makings of an Avengers film to us!
asså säger de att norton e övän med den franska killen! ... 42008.html
här står det om denna trailer som ska komma!
First off came a clip featuring Roth's military-man character, where William Hurt's General "Thunderbolt" Ross enables Blonsky's desire to take on Hulk-like power and become the behemoth known as The Abomination. This is achieved through a series of painful injections involving a sort of super-soldier serum. After the clip screened, the talent present did not deny the similarities to Captain America's origin story, with Leterrier even commenting (joking?) that the formula is the same color as Cap's.
Roth explained that he took the project quite seriously but was also aware that a role like this means that you're going to wind up on "a lunch box." He asked his kids if they could live with that, but after running it past them they told their dad to do it and that it was cool. The actor would even run scenes past his kids to see "if they were cool" enough.
Roth didn't know The Abomination before taking on the film, but he was familiar with the Hulk comics. He says that he finds these two to be fascinating characters, and of course he "went and looked at the comic books" while preparing for the role, and always had them to refer back to. The "comic book" kind of dialogue, he says, is hard to master on film: "It's not Brando or something; [it] has a certain flavor to it."
In setting up the next clip screened, Feige explained that they needed a "big-ass fight in this film"; hence the decision to go with Abomination as villain was a no-brainer. Also, the idea was to portray the Hulk as a hero in this movie, and in fact the character becomes something of an underdog because of his size difference when compared to his foe… That's something we'll soon see on the billboard ads, the producer promises.
Leterrier added that we can expect "many and long fights" in the film, and that looking through the Hulk's history made it clear that he needed to battle two things this time out: the Army and The Abomination.
That much was obvious in the next clip, which was new footage of Edward Norton being pursued by the military and transforming into the Hulk in full daylight. Though some of the effects in the sequence are still unfinished, it was evident that the movie has truly nailed the look of the Hulk and his abilities. He battles with the Army personnel, smashing armored vehicles to pieces, running directly into machine-gun fire, and finally fighting with a very human Blonsky. This clip would appear to be from early in the film, because Blonsky has not yet transformed into his monstrous self. But still, as a tiny human being next to the Hulk he nevertheless fights it out with him, tempting the beast -- who is wielding a piece of shredded tank in each hand -- with the line, "Is that all you got?" Apparently it isn't, because the kick-ass clip then ends with the Hulk booting Roth's character right in the chest before cutting to black.
After the house lights came back on and the clip was over, Hurd said to the crowd, "You told us 'Hulk smash,' you get Hulk smash."
The filmmakers explained that often with these kinds of films, key images are taken from the comics to inspire the director, though usually you don't have the time or money to get to actually put them all on film. This time, though, all of Leterrier's dream shots are in the movie.
Any talk of an Edward Norton controversy was quickly silenced as Hurd explained that the actor is still toiling away on the film and Leterrier said that he and Norton worked closely together on the screenplay and while shooting.
An audience member asked if we'll ever see an Avengers movie, to which Feige responded with a generic "it depends on how these films do" answer. Still, the producer said he definitely wants such a film to happen if at all possible.
The panel closed up with a screening of the movie's globetrotting, destruction-filled trailer, which will play with Iron Man when it opens in a couple of weeks, and that was followed with the aforementioned Tony Stark cameo clip. Sure sounds like the early makings of an Avengers film to us!
asså säger de att norton e övän med den franska killen!
Det hade varit bättre om du länkade till källan där du hittade texten istället för att kopiera+klista in allt här, det blir så himla mycket text.
Norton är väl inte helt överens med regissören lr om det är producenterna om hur filmen ska se ut, Norton var en av manusförfattarna och har ganska bestämda åsikter om saker och ting. Dock släpptes det ett officiellt uttalande från honom för ett tag där han sa att allt var ok, men det är väl mest för syns skull.
Norton är väl inte helt överens med regissören lr om det är producenterna om hur filmen ska se ut, Norton var en av manusförfattarna och har ganska bestämda åsikter om saker och ting. Dock släpptes det ett officiellt uttalande från honom för ett tag där han sa att allt var ok, men det är väl mest för syns skull.
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en interview på comic con av producenten den franska killen och han som spelar abomination de säger att filmen blir klar om 2-3 veckor tror jag de sa + vi kommer se den nya trailern när vi är på bio och tittar på iron man
[quote="shervin":2i6pwcyr]en interview på comic con av producenten den franska killen och han som spelar abomination de säger att filmen blir klar om 2-3 veckor tror jag de sa + vi kommer se den nya trailern när vi är på bio och tittar på iron man[/quote:2i6pwcyr]Det är så att vi vet redan , i alla fall jag. Tips: Läs tråden först innan du postar.
3462 inlägg
Jag vill gärna se kilometerhopp igen så man känner igen sig från serietidningen. Hulk kan inte jämföras med någon annan, hans benmuskler skulle göra vilken sprinter som helst grön av avund. Däremot ska han banne mig inte vara fem meter lång som i Ang Lees version. Större än en vanlig människa självklart, men man ska inte överdriva.
6342 inlägg
Jag med! Hoppen i filmen var en de saker som jag fastnade för rejält.
Inte ens serieformatet innehöll samma överdrivna 1-milahopp som Ang Lees film. Gap som däremot ser seriösa ut är dem i Ultimate Destruction till bland annat Xbox och PS2. Om de är så i The Incredible Hulk – perfektion.