Damon Lindelof, medskaparen av "Lost" och manusförfattare till "Prometheus" gillar "Jakten på den försvunna skatten". Alltså, verkligen verkligen gillar "Jakten på den försvunna skatten". Så pass att han nu skrivit ett kärleksbrev till sin favoritfilm. Det låter såhär:
"Dear Raiders of the Lost Ark,
You are awesome. God, you are awesome.
I have seen you, in your entirety, more than one hundred times. I know there are folks out there that have seen you more than that, but they don’t know you like I do.
I really know you. I know what music you listen to and where your scars are. I know that you like to be kissed where it doesn’t hurt. And I’m sorry if that seems a little “creepy,” but hey, you’re into snakes and melt people’s faces off, so we’re speaking the same language, are we not?"
Vidare fortsätter Lindelof att hylla detaljer i Steven Spielbergs "perfekta" äventyrsfilm från 1979... stora som små:
"Don’t even get me started on the coat hanger. Where did that Nazi even get that thing? Did he special-order it? “I need somezing that vill terrify people when I take it out, but then give them a false zense of relief when I reveal it is simply somezing on vich to hang my coat.” Seriously. The best."
Hela brevet, publicerat med anledning av filmens 30-årsjubileum, hittar du på LAtimes.com.
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