Har precis varit på biografen och sett The Force Awakens. Detta är ju ingen film jag har trott på så kan inte direkt säga att besvikelsen blev stor. Är svårt och skriva nåt utan att spoila men manuset är kasst. Köper man den här smörjan har man för låga krav. Utan Han Solo hade det blivit lägsta betyg.
Säg så här, man ska nog förvänta sig en J.J. Abrams-film mer än en fantastisk Star Wars-uppföljare. J.J. Abrams är ju en kille som är duktig på att skapa bra produktioner, men han har ju aldrig levererat något som är fantastiskt eller mind-blowing. Så det ska man nog inte hoppas på. Och ska vi vara krassa så är det väl egentligen bara en film av de sex som kommit hittills som varit snudd på ett mästerverk. De andra har inte riktigt nått ända fram även om inte alla varit dåliga.
Jag blir nöjd med att vara tillbaka i SW-universumet och att filmen sätter ribban högt produktionsmässigt inför kommande filmer. För med tanke på "en om året" så lär kvalitén försämras rejält på sidofilmerna.
Jag blir nöjd med att vara tillbaka i SW-universumet och att filmen sätter ribban högt produktionsmässigt inför kommande filmer. För med tanke på "en om året" så lär kvalitén försämras rejält på sidofilmerna.
Har oturen att vänta till fredag klockan 17.25. Men måste erkänna att jag aldrig någonsin sett fram emot en film såpass mycket som den här, lämnar mig sömnlös på nätterna!
mycket snack om spoilers men tänk om det inte finns något att spoila?
Jag ska inte avslöja något måste bara säga. Den är jäkligt bra!!!
1753 inlägg
Nu när filmen haft biopremiär är det lämpligt att spoilervarna i tråden. Många vill nog kunna diskutera fritt.
Tänk på att inte avslöja något stort i de första 1-2 meningarna, det kan synas på din profilsida på MZ.
Tänk på att inte avslöja något stort i de första 1-2 meningarna, det kan synas på din profilsida på MZ.
nu har dom lagt upp en särskild "kom in och diskutera star wars!" på första sidan. är det en länk till forumet då som avses? nej inte ett ord om forumet, istället ska diskussionen ske bland kommentarerna. spiken i kistan för forumet alltså. det är ingen community vi är del av - det är en starwarsblogg med möjligheten att lämna kommentarer.
Tror inte att reklamägarna är så glada om man inte hänvisar till klickbaserade sidor. Tråkigt, men sant.
Fet film som lever upp till hypen i övrigt.
Fet film som lever upp till hypen i övrigt.
1753 inlägg
Bra intervju, Bonk! Visst kan vi länka till forumet istället, om du lovar att inte skrämma bort alla nyanlända?
Gick in i biosalongen med förväntningen att bli besviken. Och besviken blev jag. Den rätta Star Wars-känslan var såklart där, men jag väntade mig att få se något nytt. Till stora delar var dramaturgin istället identisk med A New Hope. Om nästa del blir en kopia av Empire Strikes Back, vilket det på förhand känns som en stor risk, ger jag upp hoppet. Visst, det var absolut ingen dålig film. Scenerna med Kylo Ren och hans mångsidiga karaktärsdrag var fantastiska (fast kom igen, jag fattade redan i första scenen att han var son till Han och Leia), BB-8 var söt och Harrison Ford ÄR Han Solo. Stundtals blev det dock för mycket Disney över det hela, vilket drar ner betyget till 3/5. Eller nej, egentligen hade det nog blivit 3/5 enbart på grund av att det är en upprepning av A New Hope.
Håller med om parallellen till A New Hope, framförallt med hela Star Killer Base-grejen som jag helst hade skippat helt, men jag håller faktiskt inte med om att den känns Disney. Jag menar, i första scenen har du Stormtroopers som radar upp och kallblodigt avrättar obeväpnade, civila (?) bybor! Det är inte särskilt Disney. Du har dessutom blod i flera scener vilket jag gillade.
För övrigt var stämningen i salongen MAGISK. Folk applåderade och hurrade när eftertexterna drog igång. Fuck så mäktigt. Har alltid velat vara med om något sådant.
För övrigt var stämningen i salongen MAGISK. Folk applåderade och hurrade när eftertexterna drog igång. Fuck så mäktigt. Har alltid velat vara med om något sådant.
vidrigt. finns inget värre än folk som hurrar på bio. det är en film ni ser ingen konsert.
mitt intryck av star wars är att det verkar fegt och lagom, det ska helt enkelt passa så många som möjligt och då får man inte ta ut svängarna för mycket. lite övertydlig så alla fattar. lite humor så det inte blir för allvarligt. filmen är från 11 år och det är väl troligen den ålder man bör vara i för att uppskatta den som mest.
mitt intryck av star wars är att det verkar fegt och lagom, det ska helt enkelt passa så många som möjligt och då får man inte ta ut svängarna för mycket. lite övertydlig så alla fattar. lite humor så det inte blir för allvarligt. filmen är från 11 år och det är väl troligen den ålder man bör vara i för att uppskatta den som mest.
Jag sa inte att hela filmen hade Disney-atmosfär över sig, bara stundtals ;) Stället som jag reagerade på mest var när Rey och Finn flydde från Stormtrooper-attacken på Jakku. Deras dialoger när slogs/sprang för livet var alldeles för lättsamma för att jag skulle kunna ta det på allvar. Var som hämtat från en valfri animerad Disney-film där tempot ligger på topp.
Mjaa mjoo mjee. Kändes mest som klassiskt matinéäventyr för mig. Bra avvägt. Jag gillade humorn. Om det nu kändes Disney för mig så var det inte Disney i någon dålig mening :P
å där har vi en artikel om nästa star wars på första sidan...
hittade en bra recension på imdb:
Sad but true. When the opening credits filled the screen (Episode VII... blah blah) I was already grinding my teeth because the plot sounded idiotic. Then the huge star destroyer filled the screen. The fun bit is that the star destroyer had some sort of antenna or whatever at the front and it looked liked the ship was showing the middle finger towards the viewers.
I have to congratulate the film makers as that was pretty much how the film worked from that point forward.
1) A droid has important information that must be delivered to the good guys (Episode IV, anyone?)
2) so the bad guys hunt for the droid on a desert planet (IV)
3) Storm troopers raid a village, killing everyone (IV)
4) A girl is captured by the bad guys and the good guys rush to the base to the rescue. (IV)
5) The girl and the boy have a friend zone relationship through the film (Ep IV, Luke & Leia, wouldn't be surprised to learn that they are siblings in Episode IX)
6) The stormtroopers, elite soldiers of the bad guys, still can't hit a barn door. On the other hand, the good guys always hit, even when they use a weapon for the first time in their life
7) Supreme Leader Snoke = Emperor with a silly name
8) The bad guys have a magnificent new weapon that can destroy planets (Ep IV)
9) They use it to destroy a planet loyal to the rebels (IV)
10) The weapon has shields that can be destroyed by going down on the planet and disabling the shield generator (VI)
11) The epic villain wears a mask that distorts his voice (IV) and sadly, looks better with the mask on than without it.
12) The good guys can only destroy the weapon with an attack by X-Wings on the exact target (IV)
13) The X-Wings have to fly in a tight trench in order to reach their target (IV)
The screen writers had absolutely no new ideas to show for their money. A bunch of monkeys could have written better dialogue. A 1st grader could have made a plot that had less holes in it. The special effects were pretty much of the same quality as in the first Star Wars movie that was released 1977. I'd expect something way better in 2015.
Sad but true. When the opening credits filled the screen (Episode VII... blah blah) I was already grinding my teeth because the plot sounded idiotic. Then the huge star destroyer filled the screen. The fun bit is that the star destroyer had some sort of antenna or whatever at the front and it looked liked the ship was showing the middle finger towards the viewers.
I have to congratulate the film makers as that was pretty much how the film worked from that point forward.
1) A droid has important information that must be delivered to the good guys (Episode IV, anyone?)
2) so the bad guys hunt for the droid on a desert planet (IV)
3) Storm troopers raid a village, killing everyone (IV)
4) A girl is captured by the bad guys and the good guys rush to the base to the rescue. (IV)
5) The girl and the boy have a friend zone relationship through the film (Ep IV, Luke & Leia, wouldn't be surprised to learn that they are siblings in Episode IX)
6) The stormtroopers, elite soldiers of the bad guys, still can't hit a barn door. On the other hand, the good guys always hit, even when they use a weapon for the first time in their life
7) Supreme Leader Snoke = Emperor with a silly name
8) The bad guys have a magnificent new weapon that can destroy planets (Ep IV)
9) They use it to destroy a planet loyal to the rebels (IV)
10) The weapon has shields that can be destroyed by going down on the planet and disabling the shield generator (VI)
11) The epic villain wears a mask that distorts his voice (IV) and sadly, looks better with the mask on than without it.
12) The good guys can only destroy the weapon with an attack by X-Wings on the exact target (IV)
13) The X-Wings have to fly in a tight trench in order to reach their target (IV)
The screen writers had absolutely no new ideas to show for their money. A bunch of monkeys could have written better dialogue. A 1st grader could have made a plot that had less holes in it. The special effects were pretty much of the same quality as in the first Star Wars movie that was released 1977. I'd expect something way better in 2015.
ytterligare en:
I jut got just back from the cinema, watching a movie everyone has been waiting for since 1983, me included. And i got to say, I'm starting to get a little bit tired of watching a 2 hour movie about destroying a death star.
Because here we go again! George Lucas did not succeed with his follow-up movies, and there is many reasons for that. And no, it is mainly not because of Jar-Jar, it is because he just threw in one epic battle after the other, without having any good story, or any good plot, and at times horrible acting to come with it.
Michael Bay has this as his trademark, but he is still very successful and his movies makes billions. And why is that?. Because kids. And the Star wars and transformers franchises have in common that they sell toys, in large quantity. This is what really makes the big bucks over time. Not the movies themselves. The movies are just big commercials for toys.
George Lucas knew this better than anyone. And he is a brilliant businessman, but not so brilliant when it comes to making movies.
I do like the first Star wars trilogy, with "the empire strikes back" as my favorite, this is by the way the film in the trilogy George Lucas himself dislikes the most. That pretty much explains why the second trilogy was so bad, as "The Empire Strikes back" spends more time developing a story than the other two films in the original trilogy, and therefor you get more attached to the characters.
When George Lucas then made His second trilogy, all character development went out the window. This was a trilogy that was going to sell more toys, and that's it. Lucas has even half-way admitted this later on. And the fans of the Star wars franchise have disliked the second trilogy almost since release.
I say almost, because many did hang in there for years, denying that the second trilogy was bad. But now most people seem to have noticed.
So here we are in 2015 and J.J. Abrams takes over. He is the new skip, he gave us a fantastic reboot with Star Trek, now he is going to save us all from the god awful mistakes of George Lucas. We all believed it, we all hoped for it, at least he can not do worse than Lucas.
The biggest hype of all time was born.
And we fight a death star.... again....
Just a lot bigger.... Because of course bigger, at least they couldn't make it smaller.....
What about not including a death star... Yet again?
This movie tries so hard to show us a lot of cool stuff. But the pacing is awful, the slapstick humor is mostly misplaced, the introduction of the leading actors suffers from very bad timing. This movie basically tries to look and feel exactly like the original Star Wars film, but fails to bring us close to the leading characters.
In the story, 30 years has gone by. A lot of things happen in that time, but the movie can't tell us anything about what has happened in those 30 years, all we get is guns blazing from the get go, till the very end. Almost no character development what so ever. Not even for Rey, the leading actress. Did J.J. Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan think it was enough to show us that when Rey eats less food than usual, was enough to make us really care for her? And just add in the "The family will never come back for you" sub plot? which BTW has no impact.
Yes OK Rey is struggling a bit when we meet her, but she looks very healthy, she is climbing ropes and running like an Olympian in sand..
Ahh no, now i know. They showed us she had good morale by not selling the droid to get a lot more food.. Ahh.. So complicated. *sigh*
This movie is so disappointing. This was their chance to make it right. To make Star Wars good again, not only focus on what 12 year old kids want to see constantly for 2 hours, which is laser beams and explosions. But it makes perfect sense, because these films are now all about making the big bucks, which is from selling toys. And now this film was released just before Christmas... No coincidence.
So it's time to just take in some facts, the movies we grew up with, are never coming back. The only ones in the business that seem to get the movie story and toys business combo right, is Marvel.
They had all this time. All this money. All this willpower. And this is what they come up with. Terrible script, bad story, outdated soundtrack, taking few or no risks to renew the franchise by telling the exact same story as before.
What is really good about this film is the CGI and Sound effects. But that should not come as a surprise to anyone.
The acting is mediocre. No one stands out and brings a really good performance.
4/10 - Very disappointing.
I jut got just back from the cinema, watching a movie everyone has been waiting for since 1983, me included. And i got to say, I'm starting to get a little bit tired of watching a 2 hour movie about destroying a death star.
Because here we go again! George Lucas did not succeed with his follow-up movies, and there is many reasons for that. And no, it is mainly not because of Jar-Jar, it is because he just threw in one epic battle after the other, without having any good story, or any good plot, and at times horrible acting to come with it.
Michael Bay has this as his trademark, but he is still very successful and his movies makes billions. And why is that?. Because kids. And the Star wars and transformers franchises have in common that they sell toys, in large quantity. This is what really makes the big bucks over time. Not the movies themselves. The movies are just big commercials for toys.
George Lucas knew this better than anyone. And he is a brilliant businessman, but not so brilliant when it comes to making movies.
I do like the first Star wars trilogy, with "the empire strikes back" as my favorite, this is by the way the film in the trilogy George Lucas himself dislikes the most. That pretty much explains why the second trilogy was so bad, as "The Empire Strikes back" spends more time developing a story than the other two films in the original trilogy, and therefor you get more attached to the characters.
When George Lucas then made His second trilogy, all character development went out the window. This was a trilogy that was going to sell more toys, and that's it. Lucas has even half-way admitted this later on. And the fans of the Star wars franchise have disliked the second trilogy almost since release.
I say almost, because many did hang in there for years, denying that the second trilogy was bad. But now most people seem to have noticed.
So here we are in 2015 and J.J. Abrams takes over. He is the new skip, he gave us a fantastic reboot with Star Trek, now he is going to save us all from the god awful mistakes of George Lucas. We all believed it, we all hoped for it, at least he can not do worse than Lucas.
The biggest hype of all time was born.
And we fight a death star.... again....
Just a lot bigger.... Because of course bigger, at least they couldn't make it smaller.....
What about not including a death star... Yet again?
This movie tries so hard to show us a lot of cool stuff. But the pacing is awful, the slapstick humor is mostly misplaced, the introduction of the leading actors suffers from very bad timing. This movie basically tries to look and feel exactly like the original Star Wars film, but fails to bring us close to the leading characters.
In the story, 30 years has gone by. A lot of things happen in that time, but the movie can't tell us anything about what has happened in those 30 years, all we get is guns blazing from the get go, till the very end. Almost no character development what so ever. Not even for Rey, the leading actress. Did J.J. Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan think it was enough to show us that when Rey eats less food than usual, was enough to make us really care for her? And just add in the "The family will never come back for you" sub plot? which BTW has no impact.
Yes OK Rey is struggling a bit when we meet her, but she looks very healthy, she is climbing ropes and running like an Olympian in sand..
Ahh no, now i know. They showed us she had good morale by not selling the droid to get a lot more food.. Ahh.. So complicated. *sigh*
This movie is so disappointing. This was their chance to make it right. To make Star Wars good again, not only focus on what 12 year old kids want to see constantly for 2 hours, which is laser beams and explosions. But it makes perfect sense, because these films are now all about making the big bucks, which is from selling toys. And now this film was released just before Christmas... No coincidence.
So it's time to just take in some facts, the movies we grew up with, are never coming back. The only ones in the business that seem to get the movie story and toys business combo right, is Marvel.
They had all this time. All this money. All this willpower. And this is what they come up with. Terrible script, bad story, outdated soundtrack, taking few or no risks to renew the franchise by telling the exact same story as before.
What is really good about this film is the CGI and Sound effects. But that should not come as a surprise to anyone.
The acting is mediocre. No one stands out and brings a really good performance.
4/10 - Very disappointing.