Det bästa med ”Avatar: The Way of Water”? Läckra nya miljöer. Charmiga unga karaktärer i centrum skapar en helt ny dynamik. Insatserna är högre & känslorna större när det blåa folket än en gång tvingas kriga för sin planet. Starkt familjedrama. Tre timmar går förvånansvärt fort.
— MovieZine (@moviezine) December 6, 2022
Det sämsta med ”Avatar: The Way of Water”? Inga riktiga överraskningar när James Cameron serverar i stort sett samma enkla historia på nytt. Klyschorna staplas på varann och de alltför snygga bilderna känns artificiella. Det som imponerade 2009 är inte lika speciellt idag.
— MovieZine (@moviezine) December 6, 2022
1. Ett visuellt spektakel som aldrig tar slut
Avatar: The Way of Water is a never-ending visual spectacle.
— BD (@BrandonDavisBD) December 6, 2022
It’s a better, more complex story than the first with solid emotion but the characters could grow a bit more. It’s definitely long, running on incredible visuals & techniques which are 3D’s best.#AvatarTheWayOfWater
2. Älskade den inte
So, #AvatarTheWayOfWater: Liked it, didn't love it. The good news is that 3D is good again (yay!), and the action is pretty incredible (especially in the final act). But many of the storylines feel like they have to stop and start, and the high frame rate was hit & miss for me.
— Amon Warmann (@AmonWarmann) December 6, 2022
3. Karaktärer och världsbyggande går före
#AvatarTheWayOfWater is pretty incredible. I had faith James Cameron would raise the bar w/ the effects but these visuals are mind-blowing. One stunning frame after the next. But the thing I dug most is how the technical feats always feel in service of character & world-building.
— Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) December 6, 2022
4. På alla sätt bättre än ettan
Never bet against @JimCameron. His #AvatarTheWayOfWater surpasses the original on every level. Incredible visuals, but a much more emotional connection to the characters and story. The final hour is Cameron flexing every muscle, reminding blockbuster filmmakers how it’s done.
— Sean O'Connell (@Sean_OConnell) December 6, 2022
5. Filmade han på en annan planet?
I’m almost convinced James Cameron shot #AvatarTheWayOfWater on another planet. The film is absolutely stunning and immersive. It’s long but I was completely engaged all the way through. Much like #avatar 13 years ago, this film is a cinematic achievement and a must see event!
— Joseph Deckelmeier (@Joelluminerdi) December 6, 2022
6. Episkt filmskapande
I was blown away by the sheer scale of #AvatarTheWayOfWater, which fulfils every mad promise its creators have made about cinematic innovation. Underwater stuff, especially, is mind-blowing. But it's also huge, epic filmmaking of the kind that has become Cameron's trademark.
— Tom Beasley (@TomJBeasley) December 6, 2022
7. Tunn story och för många karaktärer
Unsurprisingly, #AvatarTheWayOfWater is a visual masterpiece with rich use of 3D and breathtaking vistas. It does suffer from a thin story and too many characters to juggle, yet James Cameron pulls it together for an extraordinary final act full of emotion and thrilling action.
— Ian Sandwell (@ian_sandwell) December 6, 2022